Do It Like the Big Dawgs!

Today, we’ll take a look at how the kings of industry wine, dine, and otherwise cajole prospects.

Most successful professionals use a series of information-based ads that evoke emotions and include a call to action. These are much more effective than standard company branding advertisements. The same principles that go into creating a high-impact (and often high-priced) ad campaign can be adapted to meet your needs with similar results.


Here are some ways to create and execute a professional and effective ad campaign:

  1. Create a brief report that you will automatically send to prospects when they contact you. This report should include a short description of your business and your areas of expertise. Don’t forget to include case studies, samples, or other evidence of your success.
  2. Consider developing value-oriented yellow page ads for your business.
  3. Consider newsletters as a way of educating and informing customers about your industry and services offered.
  4. Offer a free seminar, webinar, or other lecture to build awareness of your business. Ensure that the information is pertinent to your target market and find speakers who are respected and well-known in the industry.
  5. Purchase an existing business, implement enhanced marketing strategies, and accelerate the growth of this new venture compared to starting from scratch.
  6. Always test different versions of your ads to find the most effective ones.
  7. Use direct mail marketing to grow your business.
  8. Compile a database of past customers and send them updated information.
  9. Offer incentives such as frequent purchasing benefits, loyalty programs, referral programs, or to others.
  10. Approach large firms who may need your services and negotiate a deal to be their exclusive expert in your field.
  11. Offer a 24-hour information line with regularly updated recorded messages, available to all past and future customers/clients.
  12. Donate time or materials to local charities to show support in your area.
  13. Offer public clinics where the general public can come and discuss their needs in a free and approachable environment.
  14. Organize seminars that your customers/clients can attend for a fee by creating a high-perceived value package.
  15. Approach the local newspaper and offer to write a weekly column about your area of expertise. Request a byline and bio, without asking for compensation.
  16. Develop a weekend or other destination seminar for your customers/clients. Not only does this provide you with an action-packed weekend alongside your most important people, but it also offers them a tax-deductible business adventure.
  17. Transform a valuable seminar into written content for a home study program, a members-only website, or an audio/video program.
  18. Approach large companies and offer to give seminars to their employees, investors or management.
  19. Be proactive with your marketing plan.
  20. Barter for your marketing. Offer products or services in lieu of payment.
  21. Be willing to acquire new clients, even if it results in an initial loss, as it is likely to pay off later.
  22. Manage your marketing budget to maximize potential income for the upcoming year, and consider deferring advertising costs to offset your expenses.
  23. Offer compensation to target markets or businesses within your target market for referrals or shared access to their databases.
  24. Offer loaner products to replace equipment that is to be repaired or refurbished.
  25. Offer a free item to anyone who brings in a print version of your advertisement. This is an effective way to determine which ads provide the best return on investment.
  26. Continually consider what new products/services you can offer to current customers/clients.
  27. Develop a mail order division of your company.
  28. Propose to your competitors the idea of trading customers/clients with whom both of you were unsuccessful in selling.
  29. Employ various marketing tactics to entice new customers/clients with fresh offers and incentives.
  30. Implement a ‘you-choose-the-price’ program, especially for products you’re having trouble selling.
So, there are 30 great ways to market to other professionals and businesses. Additionally, here are some other effective ways to promote your name without incurring significant costs:
  • Get involved in your community by volunteering, donating to local events, etc.
  • Join your local Chamber of Commerce and attend the networking and other activities throughout the year.
  • Join a local, state or regional professional associate for further networking opportunities.
  • Become a board member of a local organization.

Advertising should never be your sole method of marketing; there are numerous ways to establish a more personal connection with potential customers/clients.

Effective advertising…must be used to get your name out to the public. If your name is not familiar to people, they will not come to you. ~ Jay Abraham

If you’re not sure where to start with your marketing plan or how to reach out to your local community, competitors, customers/clients, and others who could positively influence your business, try our FREE test drive to access the tools and resources we offer. They can help boost your business to the next level and beyond.

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Sales results are the fastest way to turn around cash flow in your life and in your business. Too often sales people don’t know the key behaviors that they need to track in order to create the success they are after. There are two key areas that are crucial to sales success.


  • Generating leads
  • Converting the leads to customers


True sales results create more time and freedom in your life. As you track your sales behaviors, you will see momentum and your productivity increase. As your productivity ur pipeline will fill up.


Most business owners don’t know where their marketing dollars go. They don’t track the numbers. Sometimes it’s because they don’t have time, sometimes they just don’t know which numbers are crucial for their marketing success. We build a tool that contains the marketing metrics that are crucial for you and we track the results. After we have begun to track our results, we modify our strategies and tactics to match what marketing vehicles are the most successful. Your marketing should generate business for you. Through coaching, focus groups, customer surveys and employee questionnaires, we can assess where your brand is, where it should be compared to your competitors and your plan of action to get there.


What is that one thing keeping you from going to the next level in your life? Do you know what it is? Most people don’t. They have tunnel vision. They don’t have clarity of the big picture. They don’t know what their life calling is. They know they want to leave a legacy that spans many decades of time, but they don’t know what they could do that would actually achieve this. All of these things keep us from our true destiny. In life coaching we look at the behavioral, emotional, mental and physical elements that are keeping you from going to the next level. We help you see your greatest faults, your biggest strengths and how you can leverage them to create momentum. Life coaching can create massive change in short periods of time and can sustain it through ongoing accountability.


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What is truly holding your business back from going to the next level? Is it you? Is it your sales? Your processes? Your team? Your cash flow or profit?


Business Coaching helps you look at five key aspects of your business:


  • Business Development – marketing & sales. Learn what methods people are using to grow their business the fastest. Discover how to get real ROI on your marketing dollars. Learn how to sell without having to be a “salesman”.
  • Infrastructure – systems, processes and your team. Learn how to build the business to run itself. Learn how to use technology in ways that create more time or money for you. Learn how to build a solid team of people that want to work with you for life.
  • Production – where you provide the deliverables of your product or service. How can you do things bigger, better and faster for your customers? What things hold you back from a true customer experience?
  • Customer Service – Finding the right customers and keeping them
  • Metrics – What numbers tell you the most about how your business is being successful? What numbers give you clarity on potential risks?


Business coaches know the questions to ask to find the metrics that are important to you. They can help you find risks. They help you see problems. They know how to take a business to the next level. They can help you find how you are getting in the way of your own business. They help you see what you don’t know even when you don’t know it. They see the common patterns that we all make in our businesses. Not only are they aware of the greatest things holding you back, they know how to create action that will create lasting and sustainable results.


A good business coach should be able to pay for themselves within 6 months of you hiring them.